What is the Difference Between P90X Classic, Doubles, and Lean Programs?
With P90X, you can choose from three workout routines: Classic, Doubles, or Lean. You use the same set of DVDs but the outcome of each workout program is different.
Consider your own fitness goals to determine which P90X workout routine is best for you. Is your goal to get toned and lean while improving your cardio or are you more interested in bulking up your muscles? Each program has a different schedule. Regardless of which P90X workout program you choose, they are all very intense.
Here is a breakdown of the 3 P90X fitness programs: P90X Classic, P90X Doubles, or P90X Lean.
P90X Classic
A popular choice with men, P90X Classic is the program to choose if you want to bulk up or increase your muscle mass. An extreme physical and mental challenge, the Classic program includes push-ups, pull-ups, heavy strength training, and some cardio.
P90X Doubles
P90X Doubles is a great choice if you need an extra session of cardiovascular exercise in addition to the P90X routine. Be sure that you have lots of energy for P90X Doubles! It’s exactly like the Classic programs with added workout three to four times per week. You will get all the Classic strength training with the added cardio you need.
P90X Lean
A popular choice with women, this Lean workout routine is more cardio-based for maximum weight loss. The Lean program offers less strength and resistance exercises which can make positive changes in your lean body mass. The increased cardiovascular exercises contributes to burning more calories and losing the fat.
Fit for Life
Whether you decide to do the P90X Classic, Doubles or Lean program, track your progress by taking your before measurements and photos, and then taking them again every two weeks.
Health and fitness are something you do for life, not just a temporary fix.