The Colors of Origami – What Does it Mean?

The art of traditional origami has much more meaning behind it than just folding a piece of paper into a creative object. The color paper used has various meanings to the Japanese and can be used to create specific meaning to you as well by using your birthstone color or family crest color.

The following are a few colors traditionally used in origami and the meaning behind them:

Dark Red – This color reflects inner strength and the beauty that lies within. This color is typically used to represent love and a bond with another person.

Red – Always reminiscent of love, the color red stands for passion and power attracting the opposite sex.

Pink – Joyous, friendship and happiness are what he color pink represents. This would be the color to use when creating an origami craft for a best friend.

Yellow – The color of the sun and the promise of a brand new day. It can mean a new start to a relationship or just a new beginning in your life. Origami daffodils look great made with yellow paper.

Green – Thought to be the color of healing and growth such as in a garden. It is also known as the color of prosperity because of the green color of money.

Blue – Tranquility and spirituality can be relayed with the color blue.

Purple – A noble color, purple represents elegance and can also be used to reference the amethyst birthstone of the month of February.

White – Fresh and clean, make origami crafts from this color and celebrate a joyous occasion such as a wedding or new birth.

Gold – Another traditional wedding color due to the representation of the gold wedding ring. This would also be the best color to use when celebrating a 50th anniversary since gold is the gift to give.

Black – The color black can be used to show strength and power.

Think about a special person or event and incorporate a color to create a one of a kind decoration or gift to have them always remember you by.

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