Texas Hill Country – A Great Place For Ranches of All Kinds
Much of what you know about Texas may include the words big, large, oversize and open. The Lone Star State is widely known for big areas, large amounts of food, oversize trucks, and open ranges. It is also known for its many ranches — in fact, much of the state, including the region between San Antonio and Austin called the hill country, was originally settled by ranchers.
The first ranchers raised cattle, sheep and a variety of other farm animals. Others were farmers as well as ranchers, cultivating fields of grain and grasses to feed their ranch animals and themselves. Ranching is big business in Texas, but it doesn’t necessarily require huge plots of land or livestock.
Texas hill country isn’t the dry, flat land you might have seen in Westerns. There is no shortage of year-round water. This area is dotted with lakes, rivers and streams. Ground water is readily available as well. When you’re in the hill country, there are trees and other types of greenery in just about every direction you look.
The rolling hill country of Texas is perfect for ranches of all sizes. Of course, traditional livestock and horse ranches are also an important part of the local economy, but there are many other types of ranches that can be successful in this excellent area. As wildlife is quite abundant, sport hunting ranches are one option to consider.
Fishing has always been a popular recreational activity in the Texas hill country’s many lakes and streams, many people may not realize that raising fish can be a livelihood as well. There are lots of big catfish ranches in the area thanks to the plentiful water. Recreational sports ranches are also gaining in popularity, with water sports, all-terrain vehicle and off-road vehicle areas available.
With the many different types of properties available, ranching in Texas isn’t just for cattlemen or sheepherders anymore. Depending on the kind of ranch you desire, you may not need a great deal of land. Many people in the Hill Country area have “mini ranches” that are more for their own recreational enjoyment than for profit. Even just a handful of acres could include a barn, grassland and fields for grazing animals, forested areas, and even water for fishing or other water sports.
If your dream is to live on a ranch, the Texas hill country is a great place to fulfill that desire. With many reasonably priced parcels of land available — ranging in size from a few acres to hundreds of acres — there’s no reason not to live out your dream. Before you embark on this journey, though, you’ll want to enlist the help of a knowledgeable local real estate agent to make sure you get the right kind of property for your needs and budget. You’ll also want to make sure you’re aware of the local laws and regulations. Fortunately, there are friendly, helpful people waiting for you in every town. Hospitality is as large as the state itself, so don’t be afraid to ask questions. You’ll undoubtedly get a thorough, informative answer.