Flowers For Special Occasions – Flower Days

Throughout the year there are numerous special occasions, aptly known in the floral industry as Flower Days, which are celebrated by giving and receiving flowers. It’s wonderful to receive flowers on any given day, but on these joyous occasions it seems all the more special to receive a beautiful bouquet or hamper.

Valentine’s Day

Although the history of Valentine’s Day is not completely certain, it is celebrated around the world each year on the 14th of February. As love’s special day when cupid descends from the heavens to spread love with his bow and arrow, it is customary to express your love for another with gifts. The inclusion of flowers is essential.

Red roses are the flower most commonly connected with Valentine’s Day, since the red rose is a symbol synonymous with love. Of course each of these flowers has their own special meaning and can convey the specific message you want to express appropriately. As long as the flowers are red it is acceptable.

Mother’s Day

The second Sunday in May in the Southern Hemisphere. In honour of mothers around the globe, children show their appreciation on Mother’s Day. Believed to have emerged as an ancient Greek festival to worship Cybele, the mother of Greek Gods, Mother’s Day is celebrated around the world in the 21st century.

Although celebrated in different ways and on different days depending on the country, one thing remains constant: giving flowers to mothers as a token of appreciation.

This day is as popular as Valentine’s Day.

Father’s Day

Celebrated on the third Sunday in June in the Southern Hemisphere and South Africa. This occasion was only established in the early twentieth century in the United States of America in celebration of fathers, their role as parents and to commemorate and honour their American forefathers.

As a complement to Mother’s Day, Father’s Day is now celebrated around the world on different days of the year, although predominantly during the month of June.

For Mother’s Day it is customary to give bouquets of beautiful flowers, but for some this gesture doesn’t transfer so well to Father’s Day. Some of the more masculine gifts that are popular include tools and electronic gadgets, but in today’s day and age, giving your father a beautiful bouquet of flowers is no longer such a taboo. More men are admitting to being appreciative of the gesture. Flowers can be combined with a gift hamper filled with all kinds of goods that he can appreciate, making it both beautiful and practical.

Grandparents’ Day

A fairly new day in South Africa celebrated on the second Sunday in November. This festive occasion dates back to 1978 in America when President Carter established this day to educate the youth about the importance of senior citizens.

It is celebrated as the day when grandchildren can honour their grandparents.

Teacher’s Day

Usually the second Friday in October a fairly new day in South Africa. Nobody shapes the future like a teacher. They give us the basic education that allows us the opportunity to prepare properly for the rest of our lives. It is because of this that we acknowledge the importance of teachers by celebrating Teacher’s Day. On this day students and members of the community can express their appreciation and understanding for the role that teachers play in our lives.

Women’s Day (9 August)

For centuries, women have been struggling for their rights as equal members of society. International Women’s Day is a day to commemorate women and the role they play in our society today. Their roles as leaders, entrepreneurs, scientists, writers, philosophers, friends, daughters and mothers of future generations shape our future with each one of their accomplishments.

In South Africa, National Women’s Day is celebrated on the 9th of August to commemorate the women’s march that took place in 1956 against the apartheid legislation that forced non-white persons to carry special identity documents. Also known as a “pass”, these documents limited black, coloured and non-white African’s freedom of movement during this period. Since 1994, Women’s Day has been celebrated by all women in South Africa, acknowledging their roles in shaping the democratic freedom shared by all.

Each woman is distinct with their own unique beauty can thus be compared to the beauty of a flower. A gift of flowers is seen as the perfect way to recognise the uniqueness of the women in our lives; showing our admiration for their strength, courage, determination, beauty and loving care.

Boss’ Day (16 October)

Bosses face everyday challenges in running a business that most employees are unaware of. Boss’s Day gives employees the opportunity to thank their bosses for their kindness and fairness throughout the year, giving recognition to their efforts. The most popular ways for employees to say thanks include gifts, hampers and flowers as a symbol of appreciation.

Secretary’s Day

The first Wednesday in September is dedicated to Secretaries day in South Africa. As the right-hand of the boss, the role of a secretary is often overlooked and underappreciated. Secretary’s Day gives bosses worldwide the chance to show their appreciation for their secretary. The day brings together millions of people working in administrative positions in celebration their role within the profession.

The day is often celebrated by expressing gratitude through gifts, chocolates and sweets hampers and of course, flowers to brighten up their day.

Spring Day

With the arrival of spring on 1 September is the sign of all the new things to come. The symbol of Spring Day? Flowers of course! As spring goes into full bloom, people worldwide celebrate this joyous day by giving each other flowers to signify their happiness of a fresh new start!

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