Flower Safari – Scavenger Hunt
This is a perfect activity for a summer time but don’t let the kids know this is a learning game.
There are big flowers, little flowers, bell-shaped flowers, red flowers, yellow flowers and so many more kinds of flowers that surround us everywhere in the summer months, whether in your backyard or at a park.
Even a visit to a flower nursery will be enjoyable because the kids will be happily looking at all the flowers to find answers for their Scavenger Hunt list and they will never know they are learning about nature in one of its most beautiful forms.
This scavenger hunt should be adult-guided and fun, better for kids ages 6 to 10 than younger children.
For teenage hunts, a
special twist hunt list just for them — that will make them think creatively and have fun at the same time.
Sample Scavenger Hunt Questions
(create questions by ages of the hnters)
A flower shaped like a bell
A group of flowers that is shaped like an umbrella
A flower that has spots or stripes inside the petals
A flower with four petals
A flower with three petals
A flower with leaves shaped like a heart
A flower that is trumpet shaped
A flower that smells good
A flower that smells bad
A flower with no leaves
A flower that is round
A flower that has points
A flower that grows really tall
A flower that is on the ground
A flower that is so beautiful (child’s perception)
A flower that is ugly (child’s perception)
A Flower that is favorite color flower
A flower that has two colors on the flower petals
A flower with a very long stem
A flower that is very tiny
Other Ideas for Questions:
A Bee (where did you see one?)
A Butterfly (what color was it?
A Caterpillar (where was it?)
A cat?
A dog?
A bird?
A birdhouse
A bird bath
A red flower
A yellow flower
A blue flower
A purple flower
A white flower
A lady with a hat
A man mowing the lawn
Add this special twist if teenagers are the flower safari hunters:
Ahead of time preparations:
List flowers you know are in the area of the hunt
Draw a vvery simple outline sketch of each flower on the list
Ask the hunters to find the flower and list where it was located
Ask the hunters to use each simple flower sketch to convert it to another object, such as a cartoon character, a house, a car, etc.
Enjoy these fun projects with your children by letting your imagination be your guide… be an “un-grownup”, it’s fun! The author has been an ‘un-grown-up’ for all of her adult years, way too many to brag about!